Singing Guide: Julian Lennon

Singing Guide: Julian Lennon

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're looking to learn singing like Julian Lennon, you're in for a treat. Lennon is known for his unique vocal sound that combines elements of rock, pop, and alternative music. To learn how to sing like him, you'll need to focus on developing your own unique voice and getting comfortable with the nuances of his vocal style.

One of the things that sets Julian Lennon's singing style apart is his use of falsetto. This is a technique where singers use a higher, lighter register than their regular singing voice. To start developing your own falsetto, try practicing some of the warm-up exercises on the Singing Carrots website. The Farinelli Breathing video is a great place to start, as it will help you get comfortable with your breathing and support.

Another essential element of Julian Lennon's vocal style is his use of vibrato. Vibrato is a technique where singers add a slight, rapid variation in pitch to their notes. Check out the Singing with Vibrato article on the Singing Carrots website to learn more about how to incorporate this technique into your own singing.

When it comes to actual Julian Lennon songs to practice singing along to, here are a few suggestions:

  • "Too Late for Goodbyes" - This upbeat pop song features lots of falsetto and catchy hooks.
  • "Valotte" - This ballad allows you to focus more on the emotions behind the singing, while incorporating some of Julian's unique vocal phrasing.
  • "Saltwater" - This more recent song from Julian's catalog has a more mature, soulful sound that can help you develop your own vocal style.

To get a better idea of how to incorporate Julian Lennon's style into your own singing, check out the Singing Carrots educational singing course. This 21-lesson program covers a wide range of singing theory and practical tips that can help you take your singing to the next level, no matter your skill level.

If you're looking for more specific techniques to help you sing like Julian Lennon, check out the Chest Voice Explained video or the Pop/Jazz vs Classical Singing article on the Singing Carrots website.

With practice, patience, and a commitment to developing your own unique sound, you can learn to sing like Julian Lennon and make his vocal style a part of your own musical repertoire.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.